E-Auction Platform

E-Auction Platform

E-Auction or online auction system It was created as an intermediary to facilitate the purchase of goods or services between buyers and sellers who compete for a favorable price at a specific time through the online auction system. where buyers and sellers can be in any corner of the world Just have internet access. At this time, they can participate in the bidding of competing products at prices that both parties are satisfied with in that product. The products that will be auctioned will have a reasonable price, with quality, based on a standardized auction system that has been accepted.



auction bid


Cr: freepik.com

Auction Platform

It is an auction medium that has an automated auction system. There is a date and time to open – close each auction, including Bid. You can be a seller. and bidders at the same time, which is at the satisfaction of the product with the price of both parties We also provide convenience with the Chat system with the bidders themselves. You will find products that are auctioned through many systems. from direct sellers with multiple items per day This gives you the convenience of trading anywhere in the world. have a good and efficient management system Including our security system with AES 256-bit encrypted transmission to secure data between users and the system.

Our auction system is flexible. and can be applied to almost all types of products and services for example.

– Auction of electrical appliances
– Domain Auction
– Clothes auction
– Computer Auction
– Auction of houses, condos and real estate
– Auction of household items
– Car Auction


both tangible and intangible products Our system can develop and customize (customization) to support all.

Example of the Koi Auction system.

Because koi fish are considered colorful fish with high prices, they are highly popular among many fish breeders. Currently, Thailand has imported koi fish, which are imported from abroad, which is quite expensive. Including transportation is quite expensive. And now Thailand itself has a large koi breeding farm that meets many standards. which leads to contacting koi fish trading through the farm first without the need to import from abroad But have to travel to see including trading at the farm Or will you wait for a koi auction to take place once a year? Therefore, we came up with the idea of ​​creating an online auction system to serve as a medium for koi lovers especially. without having to travel to a koi farm at all You can go to the auction at koiauction1.com right away. and also as a seller bidders at the same time.




Features for the auction system as follows:

Home page system ( Front – end )

1. Bidder member system such as name-surname, email, phone number, address
2. Seller membership system such as name-surname, identity verification information, email address, telephone number, address, payment information
3. Auction system
3.1 Items to be auctioned
– Product Name
– Product details
– Starting price of the auction
– Bid price increase rate
– Minimum auction price
– Minimum selling price
– Date/Time Setting the start time
– Date/time of the auction end
– Product pictures
– Product video
3.2 Auction system (The system supports Proxy Bidding or automatic pre-bid setting. which is the best technology and most commonly used today)
– Bid price
– Bid Now
– Chat system
– Show all Bid details.
3.3 Invoices for winning bidders.
3.4 Invoice for the seller.
3.5 Payment Status / Proof of Payment / Shipping / Fee

Back-office system ( Back – office )

1. Manage Homepage.
2. Manage Members.
3. Manage news and promotions.
4. Manage payment / proof of payment / delivery / fee / issuing purchase order / issuing receipt system (abbreviated and tax invoice) / withholding invoice issuing system PND 53
5. Set the auction, maximum wins or lowest wins the auction.
6. Connect via API to other external systems (RESTAPI JSON Data Interchange).
7. Support Payment Gateway and PromptPay QRCode.


Auction method

1. Register

Complete your registration details. and go to confirm your email or confirm OTP to activate your account.

2. Bid the product

Choose the product you want. and specify the price you want Bid (price must be higher than the price that someone has bid before) Press the Bid Now button if no one presses after you. You are the winner of the auction now!

3. Pay and receive goods

Payment at the end of the auction plus shipping. fill in delivery details and can wait to receive the product at your home.




AVESTA Co., Ltd. has an auction system with an experienced system development team. Ready to provide an Auction system for customers to use today. at https://eauction.club Customers can actually use it today. You can open your own shop and have an auction system within minutes.

If you are interested in such services Call us today, we have the best offers and options.
always for you Just call us at 045-959-612 or email [email protected].